Glioma organoids as patient avatars to improve precision medicine

Grant #  UM 2018-11698

period 2018-2020

Project Coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs

Sum : 150 K€

Funded by: KWF/ Unieke Kansen , Hoog Risico Alpe d'Huzes


Can lipid lowering drugs improve treatment response in Glioblastoma

Grant #  UM 2015-8018

period 2016-2018

Project Coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs

Sum : 150 K€

Funded by: KWF/ Unieke Kansen , Hoog Risico Alpe d'Huzes

RADIATE: Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education
Grant:# 642623

Period: 2015-2018

Project coordinator: University of Oxford , UK

Other participants: Maastricht, Leuven, Dresden, Paris, Essen, Zurich

Sum of contract in Euro’s: 3500 K

Sum to person; 14 PhD

Funded by: H2020 Marie-Curie International Training Network (ITN)

Targeting Notch/g-secretase to enhance standard treatment for non-small cell lung cancer 

Grant# 13-1197

Period: 2013-2016

Project coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs

Sum awarded: 280 K€

Funded by: World Wide Cancer Research (formerly AICR)


Capitalizing on Notch Biomarkers (CapNOTCH)

Grant # 334987

Period: 2013-2014

Project coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs

Sum awarded: 150 K€

Funded by: ERC PoC (Proof of Concept)


Disabling radiation resistance in Cancer treatment (DIRECT)

Grant # 617060

Period: 2013-2018

Project coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs

Sum awarded: 1,85 M€

Funded by: ERC-Consolidator grant


Targeting the Notch protease interface (NOTCH PROTEOLYSIS)

Grant # 208259

Period 2008-2014

Project coordinator: Prof Marc Vooijs

Sum awarded: 1,2 M€

Funded: ERc Starting grant (ERC-Stg)




Autophagy associated extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma multiforme: new players in hypoxia-associated tumour progression?

Period: 2016-2019

project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop

Funded by: Worldwide Cancer Research (formerly AICR)

Sum of contract in Euro’s: € 295.000


Hypoxia associated exosomes: a new target in hypoxia-associated tumour aggressiveness? 

Period: 2015-2019

project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop

Funded by: KWF project grant

Sum of contract in Euro’s: € 563.100


GABARAPL1 associated exosomes: a new target in hypoxia-associated tumour aggressiveness?.

# UM2015-7735 


project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop

Funded by: KWF


Hypoxia-induced autophagy: a therapeutic target for cancer therapy?

# UM 2010-4714

Period: 2010-2014 

Project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop 

Funded by: KWF 


Autophagy signaling, an essential requirement for tumor microenvironment maintenance and therefore a therapeutic target

#UM 2012-5506

Project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop 

Period: 2012-2018 

Funded by: KWF




Use of non-pathogenic engineered clostridia as delivery vector for toxic gene products to the tumor

ZonMW Grant # 4340009

Period: 2009-2016

Project coordinator: Dr. Jan Theys

Sum awarded: 800 k€

Funded by: ZonMW

From men to mice and back again – completing a 60 year innovation cycle with “armed” clostridia as safe and specific weapons to fight cancer

Grant # UM 2015-8025

Period: 2015-2019

Project coordinator: Dr. Jan Theys, Dr. Ludwig Dubois, Prof. Philippe Lambin

Sum awardes: 2.085k€

Funded by: KWF

mCAT, Molecular Computer Assisted Theragnostics (PI LAMBIN, DUBOIS)


Combination of chemoradiotherapy with the hypoxia-activated pro-durg TH-302

Grant# 15-0345

Period: 2015-2017

Project coordinator: Dr. Ludwig Dubois

Sum awarded: 260 K€

Funded by: World Wide Cancer Research (formerly AICR)


Toxicology, pharmacological evaluation and GMP production of CAIX

Grant # UM 2013-6089

Period: 2014-2018

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

Sum awarded: 568k€

Funded by: KWF


Exploiting intratumour heterogeneity with heterogeneous irradiation

Grant # - Star project 2013

Period: 2013-2017

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin, Prof F. Verhaegen

Sum awarded: 320k€

Funded by: KOFL


DualTPharma: novel CAIX to develop targeted lung therapy

Grant # 93613002

Period: 2013-2015

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

Sum awarded: 250k€

Funded by: NGI


Using mtDNA variants in predicting radiation-induced lung toxicity in patients that undergo radiotherapy

Grant # 93612005

Period: 2012-2014

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

Sum awarded: 250k€

Funded by: NGI

Hypoxic CAIX as a target for imaging and cancer treatment with radiotherapy

Grant # UM 2012-5394

Period: 2012-2016

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

Sum awarded: 530k€

Funded by: KWF

Bloodimaging: Prediction of survival in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer using blood markers and imaging features: Hypothesis driven approach with prospective validation

Grant # UM 2011-5020

Period: 2011-2015

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin, Dr. Ludwig Dubois

Sum awarded: 529k€

Funded by: KWF


Quantitative Imaging in Cancer: Connecting Cellular Processes with Therapy (QuIC-ConCePT)

Grant # 115151

Period: 2011-2015

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

Sum awarded: 550k€

Funded by: EU, IMI ju

A Euregional Computer Assisted Theragnostics network (EUROCAT)

Grant # EMR.INT4 1.2.2009-04/049

Period: 2010-2014

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin, Dr A. Dekker

Sum awarded: 589k€ MC, 321k€ UM



Personalized chemo-radiation of lung and head and neck cancer (AIRFORCE)

Grant # 03O-103

Period: 2008-2013

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

Sum awarded: 1,7M€

Funded by: CTMM


Metastatic tumours facilitated by hypoxic tumour micro-environments (METOXIA)

Grant #222741

Period: 2008-2014

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin, Prof. dr. Brad Wouters

Sum awarded: 472k€ Lambin MC, 438k€ Wouters UM

Funded by: EU FP7