PM received a FET open European grant “Novel ideas for radically new technologies” on “ X-rays activated Photodynamic Therapy “

PM received a FET open European grant “Novel ideas for radically new technologies” on “ X-rays activated Photodynamic Therapy “

More: SCANnTREAT will overcome the issues associated to both Radiotherapy and PDT. Indeed, we will design specific nanoprobes capable of generating ROS under low energy X-rays irradiation through a process described as X-rays activated Photodynamic Therapy (figure 2). The proposed methodology uses Low X-rays doses (KeV instead of MeV) to trigger a cascade process leading to the generation of ROS. Thanks to the innovative nanoprobes, X-rays irradiation only becomes the “catalyst”, opening the possibility to treat deep tissues that cannot be reached with classical PDT. Here, the X-ray doses employed will arise from the spectral CT also used for imaging. This will ensure efficiency and accuracy of the therapy. 2.999.955 Euro (total grant amount), 368.250 Euro (part UM, Precision Medicine)