
June 19, 2020

Podcast in British Journal of Radiology to celebrate their 125th anniversary! Radiomics: from qualitative to quantitative imaging — an interview with BJR author Professor Philippe Lambin

In this podcast, we speak to Professor Philippe Lambin, Head of the Department of Precision Medicine at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, and author of […]
June 16, 2020

DRAGON; The department of Precision Medicine of Maastricht University receives 920K€ from the European Commission to further develop their work on Artificial Intelligence tools for COVID-19 patients

May 13, 2020– The Department of Precision Medicine  at Maastricht University (The Netherlands) announced today the release of their AI tool for COVID-19 patient triage, the […]

Department of Precision Medicine

The recently founded Department of Precision Medicine is an disesase and discipline-agnostic department with international group of highly motivated researchers with unique skills under the direction of professor Philippe Lambin at the University of Maastricht. The Department of Precision Medicine consists out of The D-Lab, an AI lab focussed on Decision Support System (DSS) and the M-Lab, a molecular lab focussing on targeting the tumour microenvironment and using genetically modified bacteria colonizing the microbiome for therapeutic purposes.

Annual Video Report 2019


Our key factors

Two research units within the department for Precision Medicine corresponding to two main lines of research: multifactorial Clinical Decision Support Systems and Innovative treatment targeting the tumour microenvironment.

Located at Maastricht University